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Magna Hardwood Floors is proud to be the exclusive North American distributor of Adesiv products. We are currently carrying glues and adhesives for all types of hardwood flooring, including engineered hardwood.
Choosing Adesiv means choosing a company with a global, forward-looking
vision, and offers a guarantee of consistent quality.
Our evolution and our strategic choices have always been based on a very
clear mission and objectives: quality products, quality customer care and
respect for the environment.
From 1971 up to the present, thanks to the investments in the Research and
Development sector and above all thanks to the installation of a technologically
advanced plant for the production of raw materials, we have never stopped
growing. We have taken our brand name into over 45 countries worldwide and
have taken on a leading role in our reference market, where we are top of the
table when it comes to products for the installation, finishing and maintenance
of wooden flooring.
Gluing a wooden floor properly to any absorbent subfloor is an art that
requires specific, high-quality products, designed with the parquet and its
dimensions in mind; this is why ADESIV has always focused its R&D efforts
on producing adhesives that guarantee impeccable performance and give
the installer the peace of mind and confidence that adhesion is perfect.